New Wellness Program: Mindfulness Sessions and Forest Bathing Walk

In response to our stressful times, the Women’s Association is sponsoring a five-class Mindfulness Program. The practice of mindfulness is proven to cultivate inner calm and reduce stress. The classes will provide tools to help participants manage difficult emotions effectively.

Our instructor, Kristen Ryder, is a Community Yoga and Mindfulness Facilitator, Community-based Therapist, School Psychologist, and Community Violence Prevention Researcher from Michigan State University. She does remind us that while mindfulness practices support health and well-being, they do not replace medical or mental health services.
YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER ONLINE! Class size is limited to facilitate the best experience. No walk-ins.
Mindfulness 101: Anchors and Awareness: July 3, 11:00 AM – Noon
  • Experience key mindfulness steps: 1) paying attention; 2) on purpose; 3) to the present moment; and 4) without judgement (the gentle and loving part).
Mindfulness Through Our Senses: July 10, 11:00 AM – Noon
  • Introduces and explores each of eight senses individually and in tandem.
Mindful Self-Compassion Practices and Lovingkindness/Heartfulness: July 16, 11:00 AM to Noon. Women’s Association Annual Meeting Program. No registration required.
  • Learn how compassion-turned-inward may support us in our daily functioning and in moments of discomfort.
Forest Bathing Walk: July 26, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
  • Meet at the Arcadia St. Pierre Trailhead. Take a slow, deliberate walk in nature, using your senses to foster a deep connection with the environment.
Mindfulness Practices: Body Scan and Interbeing: August 1, 11:00 AM – Noon
  • Experience deep relaxation, reduced stress, and improved self-awareness through body scanning. Plus, the interconnectedness of people, animals, plants, and the environment.
To Register (for all but the Women’s Association Meeting on 7/16)
  1. Use QR Code below or go to
  2. Click on Class Schedules & Descriptions. Select “Register” under CSA Mindfulness Series
  3. Complete the information. Select the CSA Session you wish to attend. Sign a simple waiver required by instructor
QR CODE Wellness Program
 See the Mindfulness Program Flyer for more information on the classes. Reach out to Beth Wolszon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need further details.