Thinking about Associate Membership at the CSA? Great idea!
With an Associate Membership you are making a statement that you believe in the unique experience the CSA affords our community and is a place you actively support through your time, talent, and monetary contributions. There are many individuals in our community eligible for Associate Membership who have a long-standing relationship with the CSA. They are 18 years or older and have purchased, or had an Assembly Ticket purchased for them, for a period of at least one week over ten different summers. They love coming to the CSA and care about its future.
Many of these people don’t know they are eligible. Some believe they are already Associate Members because of their family relationships, or because they’ve simply been coming to the CSA for so many years. But the fact is: you need to apply to become an Associate Member AND this membership is per person, not for an entire family.
Associate Membership will make you an “official” part of our community, eligible for volunteer leadership positions on committees and the Board of Trustees, as well as voting privileges on certain topics that come before the Board during the Annual Meeting. Your annual payment equivalent to a 2-week registration is invoiced in the early Spring each year and may be applied to your Assembly Ticket if and when you arrive at the CSA to register.
So we invite these friends and family members to elevate their commitment to our community, where generations of families have grown up enjoying the same kinds of summer pleasures for over 100 years… picnics, the CSA beach, family-oriented activities, speakers, square dances, community potluck dinners, operettas, teen activities, kids’ sports, children’s dance nights, arts n’ crafts, and Sunday worship.
Click this link to download the Application for Associate Membership. Complete the fillable PDF and save it to your desktop. Either print and mail the completed form via USPS to the CSA Membership Committee, 2128 Pilgrim Hwy, Frankfort, MI 49635 or email the completed form to: Ann Burroughs at
The Q&A below helps explain the advantages and responsibilities that accompany Associate Membership
1. Q. How do I qualify for this distinction?
A. You may be eligible for Associate Membership because of your lengthy association with the CSA. You may have been an owner and are no longer named on the deed, or you may be a spouse, an adult child, grandchild, or renter of an owner of CSA, Wildewood, or Golf Lane property. You may be related to an Associate Member, or perhaps have been a house guest for a number of years. Because of these lengthy associations with the Assembly, you may meet the qualifications for Associate Membership.
2. Q. What does it mean to be an Associate Member?
A. Associate Members have access to full participation in the CSA community. You may serve on the Board of Trustees, vote at the Annual Meetings (votes on certain issues are restricted to lot/property owners only), your family members become eligible to purchase privilege tickets and establish their own official association with the CSA. Finally, your house guests have access to all activities covered by their Assembly Ticket.
3. Q. What does it cost to be an Associate Member?
A. Associate members are billed annually the equivalent of a two-week individual Assembly ticket (See Fees Weekly Registration amount under Office). You will receive an invoice for this fee in the spring each year. This amount will then be credited towards your registration the next summer. If you do not register that next summer, or if you are only able to register for one week, then the balance of your Associate Member fee would be used to help the CSA maintain its services and infrastructure for the next time you are able to join us. If you forget to pay, or cannot pay in a given year, the amount will be carried over for up to five years at which time your Associate Membership will lapse. If after a certain period of time you wish to be reinstated as an Associate Member, there is a nominal reapplication fee added to the five years of lapsed association fees (a flat fee of $25).
4. Q. If I do not choose to become an Associate Member at this time will I still be able to purchase an Assembly ticket?
A. Yes. But why wait? Become a more active part of our CSA community now!