Events Calendar

Events Calendar

One Beautiful Thing Art Show
Thursday 21 July 2022, 04:00pm - 07:00pm
Hits : 658
Contact Lindsey Alper: (619) 888-6867 Lisa Gates: (858) 353-2883

Please join us again this year for our second annual One Beautiful Thing Art Show. We invite you to contribute to and attend our show so that together our CSA community can collectively expierence the restorative and connecting power of beauty. 

We invite you to be an exhibitor! Simply choose one thing that you find beautiful. It can be an object, recorded sound, a picture, a piece of art, something old, cherished, nostalgic, something made or found, something funny or funky.... let your intuitive creativity be the guide. 

We will be collecting your exhibits from July 16th through the 20th. Attach your name and a sentence or two on why your item is beautiful to you then drop off your item at the Stroben cottage (624 Edwards Avenue). Come enjoy the art show where you will see your exhibit among others from the CSA members. We will return your item after the show. 

Location Assembly Building Community Room