Monday 10 August 2020, 05:00pm
Hits : 486
Contact Ciaran McQuiston
Email Ciaran at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to sign up and receive directions on the materials you will need and how to prepare. Instructor will email a Zoom link and instructions before the workshop begins. If you choose to attend the workshop, please be sure you know how to turn on your video and audio so that you can participate in the class.
Participants will learn basic drawing techniques while celebrating the natural abundance that can be found in the garden! No prior experience or personal garden required, but it is recommended that you have reference images of some of your own favorite garden plants available during the workshop.
Before the workshop, take a walk or research online and notice the natural beauty of the gardens around you! What plants are most special or visually interesting to you and why? Save some pictures of the plants you love the most and want to try drawing, or even bring a few veggies to class!
Materials needed: 1) paper to draw on; 2) a hard surface such as a table / desk / clip board; 3) your favorite drawing utensils, including at least one graphite pencil; 4) eraser; 5) a blending stump, if you have one; and 6) reference images / garden plants.
Location Virtual via Zoom