There are lots of ways of ways to keep in touch with what's going on at the CSA:

Weekly Activities Emails: We send out 1 email a week on Friday during the season highlighting goings-on around the Assembly and 1-4 emails during the winter on important topics. If you would like to receive emails from the CSA, you can subscribe by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

CSA WEBSITE: Located at

The TOP BAR is the main navigation for the site. Click on the name or the drop down arrow CSAWebsiteArrow to see more information.


Check out the online calendar, you can click on the event shown in the calendar to find more details! 

The WHITE BOARD is located in the middle of the Home Page, but you have to mouse over it for it to show. Then click on VIEW LATEST WHITE BOARD to open it.

White Board Click Here

Facebook Pages:

The CSA Facebook page is updated regularly with current information, events and pictures. If you would like to submit content to post on this page, please email it to Beth Congbalay at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Have you heard about the CSA 411 Facebook group? It's the unofficial civil forum for Q&A about this beautiful part of Michigan. Comments are solely the opinion of the individual posting and do not represent those of the CSA. Looking for a ride to the airport, a babysitter, a boat toFB411invite borrow, Interlochen tickets? This is the place to look. Please do not solicit professional business here. You can post a flyer in the CSA building or advertise in the CSA Assembly News. The privacy setting of the group was changed due a proliferation of unsolicited requests to join. You may request to join the group by asking a current member of CSA 411 to invite you. They type your name or email into the "Invite Members" box while in the group on their PC. If the current member is using a Smartphone, there is a blue button they click that says "+Invite". The group admin will approve the invitation and you will be added. 


 Watch our new educational and fun videos around the CSA at Type Congregational Summer Assembly in the search box.

Hey folks, CSA is on Instagram can hashtag your photos from the summer as #CSAlakelife too...or if you're not on Instagram but want to contribute photos to our growing archive, please email them to Beth Congbalay (with caption info) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We'd love to see how your summer looked!

CSA Calendar

March 2025
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