Assembly Dock and Shore Stations Policies

CSA Dock and Shore Stations Policies - amended and approved November 2024 Board of Trustees Meeting

Privately owned boathouses and other similar structures are not permitted on the Crystal Lake Assembly shoreline. Boat owners wishing to place their boats on hoists should apply to the Managing Director for space on the Assembly owned dock. Boat owners are required to provide their own hoists. The cost for the installation and removal of the hoist is included in the seasonal Assembly Dock Fee. No other boats may be moored at any time on the Assembly dock. Parents should advise their children not to play on or near the dock.

  1. Rental of shore station spaces is on an individual basis. Members and Associate Members may rent available space on the CSA dock for a season and have their hoist placed upon it; priority for shore station rental spaces will be as follows: a) Current shore station renters except as otherwise noted, b) CSA/WW/GL lot owners with a boat currently registered in their name, c) Associate Members with a boat currently registered in their name.
  2. The seasonal fee is listed in the Fees Section of the Assembly News. Payment for the shore station space rental will be due no later than one week following the due date posted in the Assembly News. There will be a 30-day grace period unless other arrangements are made with the Managing Director.
  3. Transferring, subletting, or loaning dock stations is not permitted, although in exceptional circumstances the Managing Director may approve subletting of a dock spot for a limited time.
  4. Rental of shore station space is on an individual basis and cannot be passed down across generations.
  5. There will be 24 shore station spaces available for rent; no additional spaces will be added without the written permission of the Board of Trustees.
  6. CSA reserves the right to raise the rental fee for shore station space, if necessary.
  7. The shore station dock will be installed each year according to the layout determined by the Managing Director with the advice of the Waterfront Committee.
  8. All unassigned hoists will be removed from CSA property at owner’s expense.
  9. Dock spot renters’ names and dock spot allocations will be posted in a visible location for all membership to see, as will the waiting list for dock spot rentals.
  10. Application and enforcement of these policies will be managed by the Managing Director.

Refurbishment of the CSA Crystal Beach Playground Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Refurbishment of the CSA Crystal Beach Playground FAQ
August 2, 2024
With the support of the Waterfront Committee, the CSA Board of Trustees voted unanimously* at the April 27, 2024, Board Meeting to approve and authorize fundraising and planning for the refurbishment of the playground at Crystal Beach, with the following requirements:
  • Fits the footprint of our current beach playground (i.e., no space expansion).
  • Equipment heights do not inappropriately block the view of South Shore Drive neighbors or cause additional noise.
  • Fits the natural environment as much as possible (e.g., colors and materials used).
  • It has enhanced safety features and meets current codes, as outlined by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.
  • Enhances the options for multiple generations to be together and engaged, including accessibility and shade enhancements.
  • It is more inclusive of all children, including ADA features where possible.
  • It has a strong warranty so that the playground may live on for future generations.
  • Note: the water slide is not considered part of the overall refurbishment.
  • Given that the space is currently allocated for a playground, the Board has agreed that a member vote will not be required to replace the old playground with new structures.
  • To ensure the community is involved, the Board has asked the Crystal Beach Playground Subcommittee to collect feedback during the 2024 season via community gatherings (Open Forums and Annual Meeting) formally and informally.
  • The subcommittee will align with the Waterfront Committee, Building & Grounds Committee, and Waterfront Accessibility Subcommittee throughout the planning process.
  • The overall investment will be contingent upon the final design, reflecting community input and priorities.
  • After extensive market research by the Crystal Beach Playground Subcommittee, the overall investment is expected to fall somewhere in the $200,000-$250,000 range. The final cost will be inclusive of the cost of materials, labor, permits, and everything required to install an inclusive, safe, environmentally friendly playground with a substantial warranty.
  • The Playground Subcommittee will be launching a comprehensive fundraising campaign to invest in a safe, modern, innovative and inclusive playground where children and families for generations to come will have a place to learn, play, and connect. The plan will include seeking major gifts, followed by a GoFundMe campaign for the entire community.
  • If you're eager to donate now, please click through to the donation form, complete and submit it along with your check to the CSA office or mail it. We appreciate your support! Note: Donations are not tax-deductible due to the CSA’s 501c4 tax status.
  • We are targeting to have a new playground installed during the late spring/early summer of 2026.
  • Currently, we are prioritizing informing and educating our community about the new playground, seeking input to finalize the design, and starting to pursue major gifts.
  • We will then open a GoFundMe campaign for the entire community and hold some fun, engaging fundraising events during the summer of 2025, which will allow us all to say farewell to our current beloved playscape.
  • By the end of the 2024 season, the community can expect to see a dedicated section for the playground renovation on the CSA website covering the latest on this project, additional ways to submit feedback to our subcommittee, and ways to donate online.
  • Have feedback? Please share via this Google Form.
New Playground Design:
Click this link to see a flyover of the initial design renderings. The final design is contengent upon input from the community and the amount of funds raised. Click on the PLAY button (circled top right) to watch the flyover. Click here to download a pdf of the the FAQ document.
Playgroung Flyover

Please reach out to the Crystal Beach Playground Subcommittee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or connect directly with a member of the subcommittee:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.**
**Denotes BoT Liaison / ***Denotes Women’s Association Liaison
*Motions passed during the April 27, 2024, CSA Board of Trustees Meeting:
Amended Motion 1: The Waterfront Committee and Crystal Beach Renovation Subcommittee request the Board of Trustees approve and authorize the renovation of the Crystal Beach Playground and officially begin fundraising to accomplish that goal, understanding that ongoing community involvement will be a priority moving forward.
Motion 2: The Waterfront Committee moves approval of the “Fresh Start” path (i.e., a completely new and improved playground) as the initial direction of choice for the Playground Group to pursue, recognizing that engagement with the community, with the progress of fundraising, and with the evolution of design proposals will necessitate a continuing review of project direction.

Boat Compliance Procedures for the Crystal Lake Beach

Boat Moorings:

Registering for a mooring must be completed electronically using the form at the link below. Requests using the form will be handled as they are received, and an invoice will be sent to you promptly after the form is processed.

Begining in 2022, the Board of Trustees approved “shoulder season” options for moorings. Moorings will now be available for use pre-season and post-season. All boats must be off moorings by the date posted in the Office. The fee for a mooring is $30 per week.

Additionally, you will need to provide your own 6-foot-long mooring line that is between ½” to 5/8” in diameter depending on boat size/weight.

Mooring Rules:

  • Boats may have a maximum length of 24 feet and weight of 6000 pounds
  • Boats on moorings may not leave their canopy or Bimini up while on the mooring
  • No sub-leasing of moorings
  • Boat owners should be present when boats are placed on moorings
  • Boater registration must be presented when registering the boat at the CSA office. CSA Office needs to record the boat length, weight, type, and owner registration in the database
  • All boats using moorings pre or post season must register with the CSA office; no unauthorized use of moorings during the offseason is permitted
  • Dates for moorings and assembly ticket must match
  • Boat painter must be no longer than 6 feet [Line from boat to buoy]

2025 CSA Mooring Registration Form

Boat Stickers:
In recent years it is not uncommon to find that a third or more of the sail & motor boats, kayaks, and paddle boards in the CSA Crystal beach boat storage area do not have up-to-date stickers. Per the Rules and Regulations of the CSA - all boats of any type or size must be registered at the Assembly Office before being placed on the beach and the CSA boat sticker must be on each boat. Please display the sticker on the stern of your boat and check to be sure it’s visible if you cover your boat. All boats must be pulled up at least six feet up from the water. All boats must be pulled up at least six feet up from the water. If members know that they will not be using their boat for a week or so, they should pull the boat farther up on the beach to leave room for boats in frequent use.

The Board of Trustees has received feedback that it is not fair that so many boats without stickers are getting “a free ride.” To increase compliance, the Board approved a plan to move unstickered boats to a Permit Detention Area (PDA) which is located behind the beach boat storage area, between the tree line and the road.

  • Every Tuesday a member of the Waterfront Committee will check for unstickered boats. When the owner’s name is clear on the boat, the boat owner will be contacted and reminded that they need to register and sticker their boat.
  • Every Thursday the Waterfront Committee will move any remaining unstickered boats to the Permit Detention Area (PDA) - located behind the boats, between the tree line and the road. Owners will be responsible for getting a sticker and moving the boat back.
  • Can I leave my boat on the CSA beach if I’m not in residence for part of the season? If you won’t be using your boat for at least a week, please store it elsewhere so access to boat storage is available for those currently in residence.

ALL boats stored in the CSA beach boat storage area must have a sticker – even paddle boards. Here are the sticker prices:

  • Type A (butterfly):  $10.00 per week 
  • Type B (larger):     $25.00 per week 
  • Type C: (kayaks, paddleboards and canoes): $8.00 per week

No boats need to end up in the Permit Detention Area (PDA)! If you already have a sticker, put it on your boat. If you don’t, pick one up at the office and get it on your boat. 


The CSA has 2 waterfront areas for use by members – Crystal Lake and Lake Michigan

All beach parking areas are patrolled periodically to check cars for a valid CSA car sticker.

Crystal Lake Rules: Crystal is a non-smoking beach

1. Trained lifeguards are on duty between the hours of 1:00 and 5:00 pm, and only when their presence is indicated by a Red Cross flag at the top of the beach flagstaff.

2. All trash must be deposited in the receptacles provided. All disposable diapers must be taken back to your cottage.

3. Bonfires are not permitted on the Crystal Lake Beach except at the designated fire pit below the Crystal View.

4. Dogs and other animals must not be brought onto the beach at any time.

5. No alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, smoking, marijuana or intoxicant derived from marijuana, or fireworks are allowed on the beach.

6. Radios are allowed only with personal earphones.

7. Use of cellphones is strongly discouraged.

Lake Michigan Rules:

1. Everyone must stay off the dunes.

2. All trash must be places in containers provided or taken back to your cottage.

3. The use of glass containers is prohibited on the beach.

4. Dogs must be on a leash on the CSA Michigan beach and all animal waste must be picked up by the owners for proper disposal.

5. Participants at beach parties are expected to keep noise (radios, voices, singing) at a reasonable and courteous level. Strict quiet hours are posted from 11:00 pm – 8:00 am. 

6. No alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, smoking, marijuana or intoxicant derived from marijuana, or fireworks are allowed on the beach

7. Fire Rules:

* Firewood may be gathered from the beach or taken down from your cottage supply. It is prohibited to climb the dunes to pull out dead tree roots or other wood for your fire.

* Fire sites are to be established and left for the next group to use again whenever possible.

* Fires must be doused with water prior to abandoning them.

CSA Calendar

March 2025
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