Boat Moorings:

Registering for a mooring must be completed electronically using the form at the link below. Requests using the form will be handled as they are received, and an invoice will be sent to you promptly after the form is processed.

Begining in 2022, the Board of Trustees approved “shoulder season” options for moorings. Moorings will now be available for use pre-season and post-season. All boats must be off moorings by the date posted in the Office. The fee for a mooring is $30 per week.

Additionally, you will need to provide your own 6-foot-long mooring line that is between ½” to 5/8” in diameter depending on boat size/weight.

Mooring Rules:

  • Boats may have a maximum length of 24 feet and weight of 6000 pounds
  • Boats on moorings may not leave their canopy or Bimini up while on the mooring
  • No sub-leasing of moorings
  • Boat owners should be present when boats are placed on moorings
  • Boater registration must be presented when registering the boat at the CSA office. CSA Office needs to record the boat length, weight, type, and owner registration in the database
  • All boats using moorings pre or post season must register with the CSA office; no unauthorized use of moorings during the offseason is permitted
  • Dates for moorings and assembly ticket must match
  • Boat painter must be no longer than 6 feet [Line from boat to buoy]

2025 CSA Mooring Registration Form

Boat Stickers:
In recent years it is not uncommon to find that a third or more of the sail & motor boats, kayaks, and paddle boards in the CSA Crystal beach boat storage area do not have up-to-date stickers. Per the Rules and Regulations of the CSA - all boats of any type or size must be registered at the Assembly Office before being placed on the beach and the CSA boat sticker must be on each boat. Please display the sticker on the stern of your boat and check to be sure it’s visible if you cover your boat. All boats must be pulled up at least six feet up from the water. All boats must be pulled up at least six feet up from the water. If members know that they will not be using their boat for a week or so, they should pull the boat farther up on the beach to leave room for boats in frequent use.

The Board of Trustees has received feedback that it is not fair that so many boats without stickers are getting “a free ride.” To increase compliance, the Board approved a plan to move unstickered boats to a Permit Detention Area (PDA) which is located behind the beach boat storage area, between the tree line and the road.

  • Every Tuesday a member of the Waterfront Committee will check for unstickered boats. When the owner’s name is clear on the boat, the boat owner will be contacted and reminded that they need to register and sticker their boat.
  • Every Thursday the Waterfront Committee will move any remaining unstickered boats to the Permit Detention Area (PDA) - located behind the boats, between the tree line and the road. Owners will be responsible for getting a sticker and moving the boat back.
  • Can I leave my boat on the CSA beach if I’m not in residence for part of the season? If you won’t be using your boat for at least a week, please store it elsewhere so access to boat storage is available for those currently in residence.

ALL boats stored in the CSA beach boat storage area must have a sticker – even paddle boards. Here are the sticker prices:

  • Type A (butterfly):  $10.00 per week 
  • Type B (larger):     $25.00 per week 
  • Type C: (kayaks, paddleboards and canoes): $8.00 per week

No boats need to end up in the Permit Detention Area (PDA)! If you already have a sticker, put it on your boat. If you don’t, pick one up at the office and get it on your boat. 

CSA Calendar

March 2025
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