The Nomination Process for the Board of Trustees
In an effort to make the nominations process transparent, below is information on how the committee selects nominees. The Nominations Committee meets each summer, and after very lively debates, selects five nominees.
The ideal candidate has a record of sustained service to the Congregational Summer Assembly, works well in groups, accepts responsibility, and possesses expertise on issues such as finance, land use and personnel. At least one nominee is chosen because he/she appears to be capable of eventually assuming the CSA presidency. The committee tries to select a slate that represents a balance of ages, genders, interests, and professional backgrounds. Anyone wishing to nominate someone for the Board is encouraged to contact a member of the committee.
Following the committee meeting, each nominee is contacted and asked if they are willing to serve as a trustee for three years, attend nearly all Board Meetings (particularly the fall meeting), accept the financial costs and the sacrifice of time that go with being a trustee. Most nominees readily consent to serve as trustees. However, if a nominee asks to be considered at a later date or declares themselves unable to accept the post, one of the well qualified nominees on the back up list is contacted. If there is a vacancy on the Board during the winter, the Executive Committee is tasked with finding a replacement until the next annual meeting.
The following five candidates have agreed to be nominated at the 2024 Annual Meeting to serve as Trustees from 2024 – 2027:
1) Ginanne Brownell, 2) Dan Cartlidge, 3) Lisa Dunphey, 4) Bruce Lindsay, 5) Ellen Petrick - CLICK HERE TO READ THEIR BIO's!
Respectively submitted,
Nomination Committee Members:
Jonathan Buntain, Chair
Molly Bazzani
Anne Burt
Joel Buzzell
Ellen Herscher
Barb Perry
Bob Schmidt
Helen Wangard